Ching Court, Covent Garden
Ching Court is a private space, at the heart of the historic Seven Dials area of Covent Garden.

Comyn Ching, the arcitectual ironmongers’ that gave its name to this part of Seven Dials, is entirely British in spite of its Chinese sounding name.
For over 200 years the company produced ironmongery for some of London’s prestigious buildings and parks. Many of the original lamp posts, railings and gates in the Royal Parks were designed, manufactured and installed by the Comyng Ching Co.
In addition to ironmongery, the Combyn Ching Co, were pioneers in gas lighting and installed the original gas lamp columns in and around Buckingham Palace, about 1835.
Ching Court has the largest amount of listed building in the area of Covent Garden.
Between 1982 and 1988 it was decided to restore the best of these listed buildings. The well known architect Terry Farrell was commissioned to undertake the restoration and infill buildings. The result is said to be a model of post-modernist architecture. Terry Farrell also designed the MI6 building at Vauxhall and Embankment Place over Charing Cross Station
London Time
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