The Old Aero-Works

I admit to being an Art Deco lover and luckily enough London has a good variety of buildings left to whet my appetite. Some of these wonderful buildings are unfortunately hidden away from public view in the wrong places.
One such building is the former tyre factory which belonged to the Palmer Tyre Company and is bounded by Penfold Street, Frampton Street, Hatton Street and Boscobel Street.
Built in the 1920s for the Palmer Tyre Company who also produced wheels, tyres, brakes and gun turrets which were fitted to wartime Spitfires, Hurricanes, Wellingtons and Lancaster fighter and bomber aircraft.
You won’t, however, find the name Spitfire Works anywhere in this building as they never actually built Spitfires here, although there is a black and white plaque on the wall in Hatton Street depicting the aeroplanes they did make parts for, also metal Spitfire sculptures on the roof. The company continued aerospace research and development in this building until 1984.

Aeroplane frames still decorate the roofs
Palmer wall tiles still advertise the services of the previous inhabitants
London Time
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