
Lamb Cutlets

1 Neck of Lamb;
2 tablespoonfuls of chopped mint;
1½ pints of aspic jelly;
Salt and pepper;
Macédoine of vegetables;
Lettuce or endive.

Remove the long ends of ribs and chine bone, trim the joint and braise it in the usual way. When cold, trim off all the superfluous fat and cut the meat into meat cutlets. Dissolve about 1 gill of the aspic without making it hot and stir in the mint. Season well, arrange the cutlets with the bones, all turning the same way on a flat dish, and when the mint aspic is nearly setting, coat the cutlets carefully with it. Leave on ice or in a cool place until set. Put the rest of the aspic, well seasoned, into a small border mould, and when set turn it out on to a cold dish. Lift the cutlets carefully from the dish, cutting round any jelly which may have run down the sides. Place the cutlets with macédoine cooked vegetables, cut into dice and mixed with a little mayonnaise sauce, and garnish with a little lettuce or endive.

For 5 or 6 persons. Time - 1 hour.

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