1 lb of apples; 3oz of castor sugar;
1 teaspoonful of grated lemon rind;
2 eggs; 1 pint of milk; 1 gill of water.
The apples should be peeled, and sliced, put into a pan with the water, grated lemon rind, and the sugar, and simmered until quite soft. Beat them to a pulp and allow them to cool. Wisk up the eggs. Boil the milk and pour it on to them, stirring well. Put the apple pulp into the bottom of a greased pie-dish, pour the custard over and put into a moderate oven, and bake until the custard just sets (for about ½ an hour). Put the pie dish into a silver dish, or put a paper frill round it and place it on a lace paper on any suitable dish. Note.- Any kind of fresh or stewed fruit may be used in place of apples.
For 4 or 5 persons. Time 30 minutes.

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Please note that as these are authentic recipe's before fridges and modern appliances were invented
no responsibility can be held for any accident or injury however caused from following these recipes. They are meant as historic documents only.

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